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MRM Podcast #77 - Brittany Allen, Trust & Safety Architect at Sift

Anthony Wilson

My discussion this episode is with Brittany Allen, Trust & Safety Architect at Sift and delves into the challenges of protecting us all as we live our online lives.

Brittany is incredibly experienced in battling e-commerce fraud and is often consulted as a key source by major publications such as Fortune, Fast Company, Bloomberg, The Hill and Forbes.

Her current role entails developing industry best practices and strategies and educating individuals and companies like on trust and safety in an increasingly online world.

So, if you worry about online fraud, credit card fraud, spam and scam activities or even worse, have uttered the phrase 'I've been hacked', then this episode is a must listen.

You can connect with Brittany at:

Contact ABM Risk Partnership to optimise your risk management approach:

Tweet us at @4RiskCme

Thanks for listening to the show and please keep your guest suggestions coming!


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